BLURB: Hello friend, 2nd Edition

I began writing posts that started with “Hello friend,” on Facebook. They were nothing more than just random thoughts I had though most of them were motivational or uplifting (by my estimation) in nature. I wrote them for no other reason than to write them.

And I’ll read them for no other… Wait, I won’t.

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Rachel Grace Anderson
5 years ago

I feel like “influencers” getting every bit of crap they make by slamming their foreheads on the keyboard published is to blame for this.

5 years ago

Fantastic idea! I can’t think of anywhere else I could find someone’s random “inspirational” Facebook posts…oh wait!

5 years ago

For my pains, I read the Look Inside. Dating myself now, but I immediately thought of old Saturday Night Live skits “Affirmations with Stuart Smalley”. (google for samples)

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.”