BLURB: Exempt: Restoring Liberty, ‘A Child Shall Lead Them’

There exists in this Nation and the World a group of people to whom laws do not apply, not only the laws of man, but the laws of God,( they believe), they are exempt. Those exempt ones make the laws that ‘We the people’ are forced to comply with, even to die for in the endless wars they create to gain control over all mankind.

How did they become exempt? Why, cannot you and I be so exempt? Here is the short answer to the first question; we allowed it. The answer to the second, is the reason for this book. Inside the covers are your means to understand who and how those in the shadows , control your life, your wealth, your health, and your liberty. More important, the answer to how we can reverse the roles, place those corrupt fools beneath ‘We the people’, regain our wealth, each of us can live as Kings in Our Nation, not slaves they intend us to be. I call them fools not because they are not intelligent, but because they believe they are as Gods. That is foolish.

Yes, well. Not everyone is as clear-thinking and clear-speaking as you are.

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5 years ago

So let me guess … he’s talking about the lizard people here.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ericb

Or one of those “Sovereign Citizens” who think they can just opt out of government authority.

5 years ago

Poor guy. Wait until he learns that we’re really living in the Matrix.