Naomi’s Revenge: Naomi’s Revenge March 1, 2019 Naomi’s Revenge: Naomi’s Revenge I just facepalmed so hard, my hand is stuck inside my skull. Spread the love Tags: actual title please, bad font choice, Cargo Cult Template, instamatic, om-nom-nom de plume, readability ◀ If High School Is a Game, Here’s How to Break the Rules Killer Journal ▶ 1 Comment Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments David Avoura King 5 years ago Why does anyone still use that template? Any why put a speech balloon the cover? BTW, her eyes are missing as well… You’d think the designer would have noticed that at least.
Why does anyone still use that template? Any why put a speech balloon the cover? BTW, her eyes are missing as well… You’d think the designer would have noticed that at least.