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5 years ago

Nathan, is this the cover so awful it was regurgitated three times here, bud?

5 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Sorry, brother–I seriously don’t know how I missed it. (Of course, it could be that I avoid social media like the plague…this is one of the very few sites I visit online). I’m neck-deep in a new product launch in my biz, so I’ve been ostriched for a while. Mea culpa, and thanks for this. (n.b.: for other Social Media ostriches like me, you might want to post a link or info or something. Just sayin’.)

5 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I meant…never mind. I realize it’s obvious to you, but equally obviously, it wasn’t to me. I never thought of clicking it, because I honest-to-crap thought it was a bad book cover. I mean, really, contextually, WHY would I not think that, given the stuff we’ve seen here? I guess I’m just utterly out of it, and I “shoulda” known–but I didn’t. If you’re trying to convince people to your view, doesn’t it make sense that to do that, they’d bloody know that that’s what you’re doing? I simply never thought of clicking it. Didn’t recognize it as a stand. (It is, after all, ASLO, the same size/shape as a book cover.)

Whatever, just saying.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Thanks, bud. I felt pretty stupid for missing it. 🙂 I’ve just sort of laid off of Social Media, because IMHO, Twitter has become the modern-day equivalent of the Salem Witch Trials–every single thing now is #BURNTHEWITCH! BURN THE WITCH! You think that somebody dissed you, #BURNTHEWITCH! You think somebody ain’t woke? #BURNTHEWITCH! Looked at you with side-eye, because (insert cause du jour here), #BURNTHEWITCH!

I remember thinking, in school (back in the Jurassic Era) how IMPOSSIBLE it would be for something as insane as the Salem Witch Trials to happen today. And now…we have Twitter, where it happens almost every. single. day. One hysterical blogger, one oppressed whatever, and we’re off and running. Now that I’ve said it, I’ll probably be burned at the stake (like that guy that said I’m everything that’s “wrong with this country” for joking about the stuff on TV shows.)

That’s why I’ve stopped reading them, and utterly missed your event.


5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

FWIW, you’re not the only one who didn’t know what what was about. I hadn’t heard about it, and didn’t think to click the image, either.

5 years ago
Reply to  dtw

Thanks for making me feel less dumb. 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I know. 🙂