Essences: Written in Fate

Essences: Written in Fate

Huh? By which I mean, Huh?

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5 years ago

“When Relden Valeran’s wife is murdered under mysterious circumstances, hope to him becomes nothing more than a dream. However, after a year of hardship, that dream grows brighter when he hires a lovely woman named Vildora to tend his two-year-old son, Derend. Relden soon finds himself captivated by Vildora’s charm and beauty, and Vildora imagines that she may have finally found the chance to belong to a loving family.

However, fate has plans of her own, and Vildora’s mother, Rachel Zymora, has other, sinister desires for her daughter to assist the wicked Hasuan Priests in the resurrection of the fallen god, Ya-Hasuana. Desires that, if pursued correctly, will grant Rachel the power she has always craved.

And Relden is getting in the way of those desires.

When shadows of their pasts begin reappearing, Vildora and Relden discover that their families’ roles in fate’s plan are much more terrifying than they had ever imagined. If they fight against fate, they may lose everything they love. If they don’t, they will lose themselves.”


5 years ago

Why does “Rachel” stand out as being the oddity there?
“Meet my main characters, Sworbik, Vemshnar, Zuhulian and Kathy.”
Aaand does anybody else think the cover looks like a melted Prince symbol?

5 years ago
Reply to  dtw

It’s either a really good or really bad acid trip.

5 years ago

Honestly, I thought that was Tulku’s Phurba, the morning after the night before. Ya know, him, YinKo, the Phurba, some whiskey…and the Phurba just never, never knows when to stop.

David Avoura King
5 years ago

looks a bit like the sigil of the late Prince. If he was still alive, he would sue.