BLURB: The Mystery Behind Mood Swing

The Mystery Behind Mood Swing is a sweeping story of magic and determination, where one tortured soul ends up giving birth to the most advanced baby ever known to mankind. With intense non-stop action you will cheer for these two heroes as their adventures and enemies begin to pile up sky-high. Readers will “Fly on a journey never seen before meeting characters that will stay in your heart.” Author Nathaniel Monk gives no mercy to your mind or lungs so get ready to hold your breath just don’t pass out!

Yes, this is exactly the command of the English language I look for in my reading entertainment.

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5 years ago

“Author Nathaniel Monk gives no mercy to your mind or lungs so get ready to hold your breath just don’t pass out!”

“Author Nathaniel Monk gives no mercy to your mind or lungs […]”

“[…] to your mind or lungs […]”

A+ for effort.

5 years ago

You’re either more generous than I am, or your grading on a serious curve.

5 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

I mean, it does take a lot of effort to try this hard at selling your story (or lack thereof) to an unsuspecting audience.

5 years ago
Reply to  dtw

Ohhh, I thought you meant Zork as in the classic text adventure game. In which case, I would issue the command: KILL COVER WITH AXE

5 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Ahhh… never heard of it; sorry. Still, perhaps that shows my attempt to come up with a really generic-sounding cheesy SF name worked a treat.

5 years ago

Y’know, I just can’t help it–every time I read a description that tells me what I’m gonna do (laugh, rave, enjoy, cheer, yadda), I feel this near-overwhelming compulsion to buy a copy and do EXACTLY the opposite. I mean, the hubris of it! For an author to tell me how much I’ll love his/her book…it’s just soooooooo annoying.