I have to admit that I went to the Amazon page just to see what sort of story could possibly justify a giant fist holding up a carrot. So in that sense, at least, I guess it worked.
Johno McMoose
6 years ago
The most carrot cover since Carrot Cain.
6 years ago
I spent the first second or two wondering why Big Bird was orange.
I have to admit that I went to the Amazon page just to see what sort of story could possibly justify a giant fist holding up a carrot. So in that sense, at least, I guess it worked.
The most carrot cover since Carrot Cain.
I spent the first second or two wondering why Big Bird was orange.
I’m with Red–he thought it was Big Bird, I thought it was the Carrot Parrot.
You’ll get my carrot when you pry it from my dead cold fingers!!!11!!
Molon Labe!!!!
Why did the author slide away from the serviceable branded series covers to this hodgepodge? Inquiring minds NEED to know!
You NEVER mix carrot juice and radish juice!