BLURB: The Madness of Robin Randle: A Robin Randle Story (The Robin Randle Stories Book 1)

Robin Randle grew up in a violent home. One night she watched her father shoot her mother to death. Then he beat her senseless. At the hospital she was pronounced brain dead but kept alive by machines. For seven months she slept and dreamed. Dreamed of traveling in a land called The Region. To escape The Region, she found the Palace of Starlight then took her star and woke up from her coma. Her memories of The Region dissolved into bits and pieces of dream-time and nightmares. Now a high school dropout and friendless she worked as a waitress at Mel’s All Night Diner. This listless existence chipped away at her humanity as well as her sanity. Then on her midnight walk home from Mel’s something real emerged from her nightmares and started following her. It was wrapped in darkness and sounded like a thousand dead leaves blowing down empty and forgotten streets. It was death. She ran, her mind confused. Monsters weren’t real. Then a mysterious man showed up at her door telling her she was in danger. He demanded she come with him.Robin was living the impossible. Her mind splintered into different realities, her memories shattered into broken moments she realized her coma hadn’t been a dream. She’d traveled in a land forsaken of hope and populated by monsters and the creature bent on stopping her named the Prince of the Power of the Air. Everything seemed bent on her destruction. She felt helpless yet people called her, The Storm Bringer. Robin fought to unearth the truth of her existence as she slipped between worlds, fighting for sanity. She raced across America and between realities on a journey to unlock her memories before insanity sat in. What was her true purpose? Lost between darkness and wonder she searched for a valley of dying stars, a place of the unknowing. A place that should not be. All while she lived under the stars of madness.What she didn’t know was all the souls of the dead were depending on her not to fail.

315 pages like that? Sold!

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6 years ago

I don’t know what’s more frustrating: reading this or trying to make sense of it.

6 years ago

Someone doesn’t believe in complex or compound sentences.