The Lovonian Honey Trap January 30, 2019NathanCovers8 Comments The Lovonian Honey Trap If you are the target audience for this cover, I would rather not know. bad font choice cut and paste pseudohumans text and more text Previous postNew Covers For Old 2019, Day XXX Next postOther Earthly Realms
It’s both a lousy cover AND a blurb!
Nice. Isn’t Lovonia a cough medicine?
Ah perfect, now I can finally prove to my girlfriend that day-drinking is important.
The fact that there is obviously some audience for this POS really disturbs me. It’s like some moron reading Letters to Penthouse and thinking that that s**t is real.
> Letters to Penthouse
But how else will people know that I have totally relatable sex adventures?
…that you never thought would happen to you?
Yeahright, I know that both of you laddies are out there terrifying trembling virgins world-wide. 🙂
hmm – re the image: I googled “Atelier Lalague” and found this location:,7.1233755,3a,75y,345.44h,107.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipMvRNDG4yq_xRhP5AkiVENc-3u0nBkxjjZ94Uo7!2e10!7i5376!8i2688