Uh… I can assure you that this hasn’t been the case for the last decade or so. We’re honestly degenerating quite a bit in terms of strength, creativity, and intellect.
That’s a proper golden-age pulp sci-fi alien in the BR corner – I suspect nabbed off an old publication. Why do five of the six bullet points warrant a space between the bullet and the text, but one doesn’t?
Well, I’ll Say This For Timothy Green Beckley: He Sure Takes Title Case Seriously.
“A Hybrid Super Race”…
Uh… I can assure you that this hasn’t been the case for the last decade or so. We’re honestly degenerating quite a bit in terms of strength, creativity, and intellect.
That’s a proper golden-age pulp sci-fi alien in the BR corner – I suspect nabbed off an old publication. Why do five of the six bullet points warrant a space between the bullet and the text, but one doesn’t?
Well, I’ll Say This For Timothy Green Beckley: He Sure Takes Title Case Seriously.