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9 years ago

That little fleck is driving me nuts.

9 years ago
Reply to  Viergacht

Sorry about that. Ms. Bonnet sneezed just before the photo was taken.

I’m more disturbed that her body is missing. Just a head in a bonnet.

9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Just a FACE in a bonnet…

9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

I was mistaken. That isn’t Ms. Bonnet’s snot. It is a smear of margarine. The same stuff they used to make it easier to cut out the head artwork. You can still see the smear of it all around her outline.

9 years ago

A disembodied head! Argh!

9 years ago

You know what’s really galling about this cover? The author could have just gotten any random photo of a blue bonnet off the internet and slapped that on the cover, and it would been better than this. Bam! Here’s a blue bonnet, the book is called The Blue Bonnet, and if you want to know what else is in it, you can read about that in the synopsis. It would have taken all of five minutes on an image search, tops, to make a better cover than this.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

Right then… we have a giant head in a blue bonnet, perched on the skinniest string of a neck that tapers down into an armless body with two tidgy blue sausage-legs at the bottom.

Okay, sufficiently creeped out now. Going to look at some kittens instead.

Eli Nelson
Eli Nelson
9 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

That does sound creepy! I think that’s just supposed to be a tie going around her neck, with the rest of her body invisible. But now that you’ve said it, I can see it your way as well…