BLURB: The Stranger : – Extreme Horror Serial Killer Thriller Series (The Uninvited Book 2)

He made everyone think he was dead. The Police told everyone, that it was safe again. Safe to go outside, safe to lead a normal life. The problem? They were all wrong! The Stranger is back with a thirst for blood, and a sick, twisted desire to kill, torture and maim. If you thought book one was gruesome, you were sadly mistaken. Book 2 is a high-octane extreme horror thriller like you have not read before. Very few boundaries were left untouched. The one question, can the Stranger be stopped finally?

Oh, I think there are probably other questions…

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6 years ago

A pattern I’m seeing here with a large majority of these blurbs:

– Vagueness galore
– “This isn’t your typical *insert genre here*, it’s [WORD VOMIT]”
– Confusing sentence structure
– All-too-familiar ground, nothing unique
– No actual hook

I just… it’s really hard for me to believe writers like this exist. But they do.

6 years ago

I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooo turned off by either exclamation or question marks in blurbs. On rare occasion, the question mark can work, but exclamation marks? Never. Absolutely never.

I’m particularly fond of “[t]hey were all wrong!”

6 years ago

“Very few boundaries were left untouched.”

Hoo boy! Got a feelin’ I really do not want to know about that “Stranger” guy’s sexual preferences.