The Duo Time Machine: The Verb December 15, 2018NathanCovers4 Comments The Duo Time Machine: The Verb AAAABLABLABLAAAGABLAGAAAAHHHHH. busybusybusy Cargo Cult Template font overload readability seizure risk Previous postTeenage Killer: Novel (An Electrifying Horror Thriller) Next postOf Evil And Innocence (Special Edition- Trilogy)
This one almost seems on purpose.
The Amazon blurb is the textual equivalent of that.
It’s worse than that. It’s incoherence, as is the interior. It sounds like someone who has functional challenges has written it, and the actual book. The Plant-human hybrid part is the best fun ever.
Central to the blurb: organic MeryKos BBQ Sauce
Yup, MeryKos LLC produces condiments and snacks…