Something weird about the necks of all four. And three of ’em are wearing tops that doesn’t behave like any fabric I’m familiar with. Unless their skin gives off some sort of vacuum-suction effect.
I’m particularly fond of the man-boob on the guy to the left, and the BBW thighs and calves/etc., of the woman on the right–atop which is a trim thin upper torso. (sigh). Protohumans, man.
6 years ago
Must be hard to walk with Elephant Legs.
James F. Brown
6 years ago
Hubba, hubba. Two sets of pseudo boobs and one set of pseudo moobs.
Something weird about the necks of all four. And three of ’em are wearing tops that doesn’t behave like any fabric I’m familiar with. Unless their skin gives off some sort of vacuum-suction effect.
Could be one of those new-fangled vacuum-sealing or shrink wrapped fabrics!
I’m particularly fond of the man-boob on the guy to the left, and the BBW thighs and calves/etc., of the woman on the right–atop which is a trim thin upper torso. (sigh). Protohumans, man.
Must be hard to walk with Elephant Legs.
Hubba, hubba. Two sets of pseudo boobs and one set of pseudo moobs.
Boobs don’t work like that. And neither does cloth.