The Wildes of the West #2: The Reaper of the Rio Sangre (The Danger Down Mexico Way Trilogy Book 1): Old west fiction of action adventure, romance & western family drama

The Wildes of the West #2: The Reaper of the Rio Sangre (The Danger Down Mexico Way Trilogy Book 1): Old west fiction of action adventure, romance & western family drama

How can book #2 also be book #1 of a trilogy?!

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6 years ago

They all look stupid but good grief, the author couldn’t have possibly tried less with the woman on the far right. Horrendous.

6 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

It looks like your typical network-TV inclusivity nonsense, right? (Or the start of a lame joke…) a Black girl, an Asian girl, a Latina and a white girl walk into a cantina…if it were network, you’d have two of them in a relationship and one would be trans. lol

6 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

You are everything wrong in this country. Try educating yourself and joining the rest of us in the 21st century,

6 years ago
Reply to  Dobie

So, @Dobie, that cover just doesn’t look ever-so-contrived to you? I mean, you’re so woke that you don’t notice that all those politically-correct babes have their (ginormous) tatas hanging out? What’s all PC about that, eh? Or are we just ignoring the boob-sploitation angle, in favor of being “inclusive”? Inclusive for whom? Lascivious tweens?

6 years ago

Are their faces pasted on?

6 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Yep, and from different styles of source image, which is what’s most bizarre about this for me.

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
6 years ago

This one looks like the designer’s attempt to tick as many LBC boxes as can be crammed on one cover.

David Avoura King
6 years ago

Not just a lousy cover, but a title that runs over 7 lines, at least on my smartphone.