Cosmos Emperor

Cosmos Emperor

Gee, the “magic wand” tool really IS magic!

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5 years ago

The artwork of the man isn’t horrible, although it has some serious proportion issues–look at how teeny his head is, compared to his hands, shoulders, thighs, etc.–but it feels, cough, “lifted” from something else.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Regardless, it’s still stolen art. Whoever the author is, they should know better.

5 years ago

@Nuclear_i9_Meltdown: it looks that way, but we don’t factually know that. I don’t know who owns that art, etc. I suspect you’re 100% right–but we don’t know it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

An artist who would spend so much time on a character’s intricate details wouldn’t resort to using a cheap cutout method for a cover, that’s my reasoning.

Also, I forgot the name of the game, but this is definitely fanart for a Japanese MMO.

5 years ago

I believe you. I simply don’t know it myself, factually. I agree it looks…lifted, let’s say. If I knew the original material, I’d contact the artist or publisher myself–but I don’t. I am not familiar with Japanese MMO.

Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey
5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

It is, factually, stolen art. I can’t add the source image but the character was clipped out of a piece posted on A lot of self-pubbed authors lift art from the site figuring no one will catch them.

5 years ago
Reply to  Michael Bailey

I wish I knew the piece, because I absolutely WOULD tell the creator. I don’t hold with theft.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

search matched
junzhu, Qi Chen on ArtStation at

5 years ago
Reply to  Naaman_Brown

OK, @Naaman, I went to DA and wasn’t able to find that. How’d you find it, please? (Seriously, I want to know.)

ETA:??? I get a 404 on that link, and nobody by that name at ArtStation?

ETA #2: and I keep searching and searching, no joy. Would appreciate a working link, tx.

ETA#3: and I found this, on a Chinese site, with Tineye, but nada else. Frustrating as hell.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

(sorry I had to run to the store after posting)
I captured the cover image. cropped out the book title, opened the .jpg in google as file:///C:/temp/untitled.jpg, right clicked “Search Google for image”.

5 years ago
Reply to  Naaman_Brown

OK, but your link gets me a 404. Any chance you could get me something a bit better? 🙂

ETA: And while you’re at the store, could you get me some sweets? have a horrible sweet tooth tonight…:)

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch


caption: DrawCrowd Fantasy MaleChina ArtMartial

(already back, didn’t buy candy, did already have a tin of peppermint sticks)

5 years ago
Reply to  Naaman_Brown

(sigh). Is the ArtStation URL only good if you’re an ArtStation member? I tried the Weibo link that’s on the image, and that was bloody hopeless–I don’t speak Mandarin or Cantonese, and Google didn’t want to help me out. (This is a lot of brain damage for someone trying to do a good deed!). So, I now, officially, give up.

ETA: I tried the coolpic link; when you click the image, you’re taken to a travel page. So, no joy there, either. I guess the artist just figures nobody on this side of the planet will ever want to find him. {shrug}.

5 years ago
Reply to  dtw

Yup, I keep running into the same sort of walls.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I feel like I fell down a rabbit hole and nothing leads to the owner.

comment image

5 years ago
Reply to  Naaman_Brown

That’s hilarious–that’s the same thing I said, a few hours ago. No good deed goes unpunished! Whoever s/he is, I can’t find him/her. I did leave a message at ArtStation, but…whoknows?