THE CONTRACT: Murder in The Bahamas

THE CONTRACT: Murder in The Bahamas

I’m a little disappointed that there’s not an actual kitchen sink in here.

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5 years ago

Ayup… corn sure grows high in the Bahamas!

5 years ago

Boy, they are really stepping up their game around here. For this one you get three lousy covers smashed together to get one horrid one. Bravo, cover artist!

Let’s see how long your record holds… before someone finds a way to merge four terrible covers into one magnificent disaster.

Bonus points for mutating the farmer into a five-year-old with football-player shoulders.

5 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Honest to crap, it looks like that guy is peeing, or about to, doesn’t it?

5 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Gotta fertilize those Bahamian corn fields somehow. Why not with some all natural urea? Whizzing on the corn is the new organic way.

El cochinote
5 years ago

I notice that book 2 in this series is refered as “Cornelius’ Revenge (also known as Revenge of Cornelius)” in the description. I’m not a native english speaker, but… did not both titles mean the same?

5 years ago
Reply to  El cochinote

El cochinote: yup, it means the same thing, you are 100% correct.