A blonde and very attractive daughter of famous horror author Ivan Peterson moves back home with him while her own life begins a new turn. Cara discovers dark secrets about her father’s writing inspiration for his most popular recent book, “The Final Letters.” This book made Ivan, a fanatic of Earnest Hemingway, a large fortune.
Cara and the local sheriff, Adam begin a relationship and she reveals to him a discovery of strange hand written letters from her father’s writing room. Were people forced to write about the feeling of knowing they were about to be killed? Were these letters real?
The Great Northwestern Country of Washington State holds many surprises…
I assume you have to read the book to find out why it’s important to know up front that she’s “blonde and very attractive.”
Earnest Hemingway? Bwahahaha…
I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out. I was too busy trying to figure out why it was so vitally important we know he likes Hemmingway.
Prominent in my wife’s bookcase is a set of Hemingway books printed at the Press where I worked, leather bound at the specialty bindery where my sister worked. When I read that blurb, I paused. Oh no, a failure in the proofreading dept!
In slasher movies, slashers prefer to target attractive blondes, that’s why; moreover, so do all of the doomed expendable promiscuous males who want to add the final girl to their sexual list of conquests.
Last I checked, Earnest never did horror…
Apparently Washington State is its own country, now. It’s called “Washington State.”
Yahoo! and Google “northwestern region” gets more hits and more specific to NW USA (WA, OR, ID, AK); “northwestern country” fewer hits and less specific to NW USA (I got hits for Scandanavia).
Y’know, my current job is proofreading. Most documents that drop into my inbox I mark up as appropriate and then send on. A few are such a mess that I print them out and take them over to our Copy Lead for major rewrites. This would fall into that category; I can just see him starting to read, sighing, and reaching for a pencil… The issues start with the first word. “A” blonde and very attractive daughter? As in, one of several blonde and very attractive daughters but without it really mattering which? “While” her life “begins” a new turn? Any sane writer might say “when” her life “takes” a new turn (or begins a new phase, perhaps). Weird comma use (at the very least we need another one after “Adam”). I think most people would close “handwritten” to one word these days.
Quite apart from the Earnest & country issues that James & Dragote have raised.
So they’re not letters written by a strange hand?
Great caption, Nathan. I was wondering the same thing!