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6 years ago

{sigh}. Y’ever notice that no matter how cold, how inhospitable an environment, women–those salacious, exhibitionist sluts that they are–are always wearing the least-possible amount of clothing? Not to mention that…skirt (belt) that is apparently going to come toppling off her mons Venus with her next expulsion of air.

Not to mention–if anyone looks at that skirt for more than a second–this girl obviously runs around with her hoohah exposed with every stride. I realize I’m a woman, and thus, presumably, not the target audience, but I’m awfully bloody tired of it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

All I can think of is how much her back must hurt. For the love of god, someone get that poor woman to a decent bra fitter.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

That’s Theiss Titillation Theory at work for you: the theory is that more titillating than any amount of cleavage or nudity is clothing that looks like it might fall off and expose a gal’s naughty parts at any moment. Of course, she’s probably also wearing a bikini bottom under that super-mini-skirt, contrary to appearances: an old rule of anime (which also applies to 3D animation) is that the wearer of a bikini is rendered invulnerable to all damage in battle and from the environment. (As a sort of concession to equal opportunity, that rule applies even when the wearer in question is a male.)

6 years ago

Love the Hindenburg breasts.

6 years ago

Am I the only one that misread it as “Douchebaggery”?

6 years ago
Reply to  Winky

Nah, that’s your brain wishful thinkin’ that it was eponymously named, again!