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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Bertha Thyng? Bwahahahaha…

Is she Thing’s (Addams Family) wife?

10 years ago

I read that as trying, really now you are barely making any effort.

10 years ago

That sign on your building? It’s overlapping the tree that is in front of it. You might want to call in the Impossipolice.

10 years ago

Upon quick what’s-parallel-to-what analysis, a couple of interesting facts come out:

The text “By Bertha Thyng” would have been in nearly correct perspective if it had just been left square to the image. But in fact it’s been tilted counterclockwise, thus making it wrong.

The “sign” holding the title needed to have its lower left corner skewed out and the lower right corner skewed in for the perspective to be correct. In fact, both corners have been skewed in the _opposite_ direction, thus making the perspective even more wrong than it would have been if everything had been left at right angles.

Bottom line: I’m clearly paying about 10,000 times more attention to this fool thing than the “artist” did. Shame on me.