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john e. . .
10 years ago

Subtlety, thy name is David S. Reynolds.

Maybe he (er, I mean He) has to wear that cross thing all the time when he gets back.

Other than that, this looks like the perfectly acceptable scribblings in a 7th grader’s History notebook. Only missing the name “Katheryn” surrounded by hearts in the top corner.

Or lightning bolts around the name “AC/DC!”

Ben Ripley
Ben Ripley
10 years ago

Maybe the cross is also wired up like an electric chair…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ben Ripley

with a needle sticking out of the sexless figures arm.

10 years ago

1. The figure on the cross does not cast a shadow.
2. The medieval knights facing him are holding swords.
3. All the figure is wearing is a belt. So… ???

I’m going with 6th grade on this one. Maybe 5th.

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

Are you sure it’s a firing squad? It looks more like three guys speaking on walkie-talkies, presumably to tell their buddies about what they’ve found.

But why do they *all* have bags over their heads?

john e. . .
10 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover


10 years ago

Someone doesn’t seem to understand the point of crucifixion.

Wendy Christopher
10 years ago

If this is the Second Coming, he must be thinking “Well this is some crappy deja vu… “

10 years ago

Isn’t the Second Coming supposed to have a very different ending?

Ben Ripley
Ben Ripley
10 years ago
Reply to  Ericb

Do they have to sleep in the damp patch?