What’s Causing Creations: Aliens, Random Events or God September 22, 2018NathanCovers4 Comments What’s Causing Creations: Aliens, Random Events or God Seems like a cogent and well-reasoned treatise. layout woes text and more text Previous postJoshua and the GargaTom: A wolf and her man Next postOf A Dark Heart: Revenge is King (Legends of Nowhere Book 1)
If I had to hazard a guess as to what caused this cover’s creation….it wouldn’t be something listed there.
Uh, ask them? I also want to know what the “creationS” are. There’s more than one? I mean, whether you’re a Darwinist or a Creationist, I’m pretty sure we’re still talking about one planet and one sentient species–right?
So far as we know, yes. Judging by this guy’s bizarre writing style, though, I think he’s attributing some of it to space aliens.
A cover design that came about at random