President Trump And The New World Order: The Ramtha Trump Prophecy

President Trump And The New World Order: The Ramtha Trump Prophecy

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Julie Frost
Julie Frost
6 years ago

Great galloping Frith, it’s part of a series.

6 years ago

Huh. “Ramtha” was a new one on me. Did a bit of googling, learned of JZ Knight (hmm … any relation to our author here? Are they all knights?). A YouTube video describes JZ as “A young woman from Washington state who since 1978 has been the channel for this extraordinary teacher.” [pauses YouTube, returns to Google … she’s seventy-two … hey ho, must be an old video]
Every day you can learn of new pockets of nuttiness in the world, eh?

6 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Curious weird coincidence: after following this one up I started thinking about good book jackets I liked when I was growing up, and suddenly wondered whether Chris Foss was still around, and if so, how old he was. (Remember him? Giant robots and spaceships for SF novels.) Googled him and – stone me! – he’s EXACTLY the same age as JZ Knight: to the day! Freaky.

6 years ago

*sigh* Apparently this guy is a Qanon fan who’s also into Atlantian prophesy mumbo jumbo. *cries*