BLURB: The Changing Hearts of Ixdahan Daherek: The Complete Trilogy

When Ixdahan, the arrogant son of a Snaldrialooran aristocrat was exiled to Earth for crimes against the Homeworld – and sentenced to the terrifying prospect of life as an Earthling teenager – he began a journey that took him to the boundaries of the settled universe and the limits of consciousness. Throughout his struggles, Ixdahan’s heart has always relied on Earth girl Lena Gabrilowicz, the only person in eight galaxies who knows what planet he’s on.

You had me at “Snaldrialooran.”

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B.L. Alley
6 years ago

“I can’t write so I’ll make sure the blurb drives potential readers away.”

6 years ago

I will never understand why on earth writers think that naming something an unpronounceable, tediously-long name will somehow make their book better. It’s idiotic. And, just as icing on the cake, Lena Gabrilowicz? Sheesh.

B.L. Alley
6 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Perhaps the author is Mister Mxyzptlk.

In one of my novels every character’s name is three letters. Simple.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

They chose the names by chucking a handful of Scrabble tiles onto the floor.

6 years ago

Mash the keyboard ⌨️ instant name

Julie Frost
Julie Frost
6 years ago

You know, there are so many naming conventions you can follow that don’t make your book look like a parody. I pity this guy’s poor audiobook reader, if he ever manages to get one.

L Brix
L Brix
6 years ago

It’s always a great idea to front load the reader with polysyllabic proper nouns with no context.
Also “Impromptu trip to earth” stories don’t belong as books, they belong as 80’s shot on video sci-fi movies that don’t have enough of a budget to stay on the alien world.