BLURB: Mystery: The Junior Middleton (Suspense Spies Political Thriller Short stories) (Conspiracies Espionage Technothrillers Crime Contemporary)

It all started in a small town called Middleton in the greater New Jersey when Ronald Romney, an Attorney, decided to vie for the Governor’s seat after the previous Governor died of mysterious circumstances. Many people had varied explanations and beliefs on the cause of his death. It was said that Middleton was karma’s lair and anything done had do come back around and make even.

And that’s the whole description.

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6 years ago

He died OF mysterious circumstances?

L Brix
L Brix
6 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Things got so mysterious he exploded.

6 years ago

Geez, there are practically more words in the title!

The long, long title.

L Brix
L Brix
6 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

He titled it that like a youtube kids video. He’s probably trying to trick amazon searches into pulling up his book whenever people search for any of the genres he put in his title. Because why make a good title when you can make one that games the algorithm?