How to Document a Project Plan: What You Need To Know To Design A Project Management Plan Quickly and Easily

How to Document a Project Plan: What You Need To Know To Design A Project Management Plan Quickly and Easily

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B.L. Alley
6 years ago

Not the most effective way to pmp your work. Up next: How Not to Design a Book Cover.

6 years ago

I can personally confirm (following the embedded video) that accountancy is so boring and monotonous, you’ll be wishing for cyanide capsule benefits…

Seriously, I had to quit that job faster than I can finish a thicc Reuben’s samwich.

6 years ago

Are the cut and paste wildlife supposed to be an implied threat, should one should fail the quick and easy PM plan…?

6 years ago

Oh. Oh wow. It just gets worse the further you go. Why the lions? And did he make this in MSPaint?

6 years ago

Is it mean of me to suspect that the clump of foliage in the bottom-right corner is there to cover up a watermark on the original lion photo?
Anyway, perhaps the lions are there to symbolise taking pride in your work. Ha ha ha ha ha … oh okay then. I’ll get my coat.