BLURB: The Fervent Exchange

Ameenah is an avid “foodie” and an amazing Cook. She has never before traveled out of the U.S. and she is quite nervous, but she will let nothing stand in her way. She is also Agnostic.

Shortly after boarding the plane to travel to Gali Paranthe Wali in Delhi, India for the 1st Annual Foodies Convention, she meets Dr. Ufa and his assistant, Gina Stroit. Dr. Ufa is a popular and well-established figure within the Christian community, while Gina is a dynamic researcher and public speaker. The three of them engage in polite pleasantries and stimulating conversation while they’re seated together on their hours-long flight.

However, when Dr. Ufa and Gina share the “good news” of their religious conviction with Ameenah, they encountered something for which they weren’t quite prepared.

You spend this whole blurb just trying to figure out which details are meaningful.

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6 years ago

“Cook” must be meaningful, ’cos it’s been given an initial cap. And nobody these days ever gives things initial caps without good reason. </sarcasm>