BLURB: The System (The Bubo Series Book 1)

2045. The world was overpopulated. When the black death happened. Millions died. This time it’s mutated and come back worse. The system seeks to save humanity. They pick the brightest minds to work in medical and science to help research a cure or vaccination.

Periods. The only punctuation left. In the future.

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6 years ago

“The world WAS overpopulated. When the black death happened. Millions died” – millions of deaths wouldn’t put a dent in our CURRENT case of overpopulation. I don’t believe for one second that in 2045 “millions of deaths” would have gotten rid of overpopulation. So, to the author: USE LOGIC AND APPROPRIATE VERB TENSES.

“The system seeks to save humanity” – …don’t be an Orwell-wannabe, please.

“They pick the brightest minds to work in medical and science to help research a cure or vaccination” – ENGLISH, MUTHAFUCKA! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!

6 years ago

I’m glad they worked in both medical and science, and not just, y’know, medical science.

B.L. Alley
6 years ago

Shame one of those bright minds didn’t work on the blurb.

6 years ago

I wouldn’t say the world is actually overpopulated as yet, but I should probably point out that millions of people die every year from nothing more exciting than old age; such is the natural rate of turnover on a planet with upwards of seven billion residents. Saying “Millions died” from Black Death 2.0 is about as impressive as McDonald’s advertising “Thousands and thousands of burgers sold!”

My version of how this summary should go:

In 2045, the world was desperately overpopulated. Then came the Second Black Death: a mutated strain of the disease that had once ravaged the population of Europe in medieval times now returned to claim billions of lives worldwide. This time, all humanity stood on the brink of extinction.

Rising to meet this deadly challenge was a mysterious cabal known to its members only as the System. Seeing no other organization adequately equipped to overcome a crisis so grave as Black Death 2.0, the System determined to do the job itself. Now its members go seeking the best and the brightest minds in medical science in hopes of developing some cure or vaccine that may yet save humanity from its imminent doom; but at what price will this salvation come?

6 years ago

“You must. Read this. Blurb. In. The voice of. William. Shatner.”