A Darker Shade of Sorcery (The Realmers Book 1)

A Darker Shade of Sorcery (The Realmers Book 1)

How to make a book cover:

Step 1: Start with a good, if overused, stock image.

Step 2: Kill a hooker and drape her hair over the image in Step 1.

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6 years ago

“The Realmers”

Yeah, okay, are you trying to sound creative and deep? ‘Cause you’re doing the opposite.

David Avoura King
6 years ago

How to ruin your look with a cheap wig.

6 years ago

I usually find this blog quite amusing, but it definitely bothers me to see nasty jokes about sex workers in the image description. :/

6 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

This new “awoke” thing, is it anything like the 1950s beatnik “aware”?

Maxwell H. Brock: … my poetry is understood by that minority which is aware.
Woman: Aware of what?
Naolia: Well, not of anything, stupid, just aware!
— A Bucket of Blood, 1959

6 years ago
Reply to  Liddi

“Oh no, someone made a simple joke on the internet and I can’t take it at face-value, better overanalyze the joke and conclude that the people who use this platform need to be more sensitive.”

You must be a TON of fun around other people.

6 years ago
Reply to  Liddi

The wig or hair is very badly done. As for respect for sex workers, the experiences of an acquaintance plus Traci Lords’ memoir convinces me the trade should be shamed out of existence.