In the very near future, society begins to disintegrate and break down, mainly due to the world(‘s) government(s) finally admitting that they have been lying to their citizens for far too long. Some people are naturally enraged on waking up to such a planned indoctrination program of deceit and choose to rise up, whilst a majority still refuse to do anything about it, preferring instead to remain imprisoned inside the matrix and slumber…
That’s they whole blurb. Apparently we’re dispensing with that whole “characters” thing.
“disintegrate and break down” – same thing
“world(‘s) government(s)” – yeah, it’s multiple gov’s on Tuesdays
“finally admitting that they have been lying to their citizens for far too long” – …what? So they just went WHOOPS MY BAD?
“planned indoctrination program” – water is wet, what else is new…
Anyone else wanna keep this going?