The Five Knifefights You Have in the Tunnels is a fictional series of encounters between Tadgett Laborwitz and his ex-friend, Joe Baslan. Tadgett is a tortured transsexual man struggling through his own mental breakdown. His current friends, Simon and Delilah, help Tadgett film his occasional knife-wielding yelling sessions with Joe to produce a movie they plan to call Neverending Knifefight. Frequently spellbound in his inner monologue and taken in by his own hallucinations, Tadgett reveals a slow process and deep understanding of friendship and service. By the way: How did Frank Harmony die?
By the way: What the HELL are you talking about?
Trust me it makes more sense when you’re, like, 5-6 beers in.
[hic]…no, it really doesn’t.
I’d be tortured too, if my parents had named me “Tadgett”.
Haha, um…wow.