BLURB: Code of Rainbow: Soaring Flame and the Dragon-transcending Magimal (Book 1)

Some say this book has a harry potter feeling, but it’s a completely novel story and unique magic world. The world is beautiful because it’s full with magic elements of seven types, each in a designated color – just like the rainbow code! That said, those colors could only be seen by some special eyes, such as Soarame’s!

Many animals in this world possess magic power, so they were called “magimals”. A well-known example is dragons, and we all know how strong they are. However, they are still not the most powerful kind of magimals, because each type of magic has a king kind – and never underestimate a magimal just because it looks cute and little!

Define “some.”

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6 years ago

Are we sure that this is the blurb and not a random review by an 8-year-old fan?

6 years ago

Okay thanks for telling me about the world building. but what is the story about? Why should i buy this instead of a Brandon Sanderson book?

6 years ago

Did anyone notice that this thing has 116 very, very positive reviews? And here’s something else–I just read a few pages of it. It’s not horrible, at all. In fact, for someone that I suspect is writing in a 2nd language, it’s pretty amazing–better than I could do in another tongue.

You just never know.