BLURB: The CIA’s Encounter With Akinlana Osei: Book I (Osei International Mystery Series 1)

This International CIA thriller takes the reader to New Zealand, Nigeria and finally to the United States, Terrorism Follows……
Winning the Hi-Tech award in college is the beginning …………Accepting a guest lecture position at MIT is the mistake . . . . . Contacting the CIA is the solution . . . …Helping the CIA is the decision . . . . Joining the CIA is the outcome . . . . . .The Osei International Book Series is a fictional CIA cyber-crime series, filled with current events. High-action, thriller-suspense mystery, the book series promises a progressive emotional ride with twist and turns. Scroll up and grab a copy

It’s 24 pages long, and I’m betting fully seven of those are nothing but ellipses.

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6 years ago

From this blurb, I imagine this book could make 24 pages seem tedious.

David Avoura King
6 years ago

This book blurb ……. Not only uses too many dots ………
.But they’re inconsistent …….. As well……. And with a random sentence break …. Near the. End.