Luke’s Gold March 19, 2015NathanCovers15 Comments Luke’s Gold This cover is unfortunate — or should I say unlucky? bringing sexy back cut and paste Previous postHer Maiden Voyage Next postEasy’s Out
The guy looks like he’s checking his ass in the mirror and thinking “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s butt is the sexiest of them all?”.
Unlucky? Naked man poops coins sounds pretty lucky to me!
Absolutely no man is hot enough to make me touch gold coins that came out of his poop chute.
Pasta Strainer.
Hot Rinse.
Plastic Bag.
Trip to bank.
Cash in gold.
You never need to touch it.
Nathan is right! That is unlucky. The gradient and title are completely blocking out the view of that guy’s butt!
Nice topiary.
Are there two copyright notices on that image? Or are those watermarks from where they were swiped?
That’s just the normal watermark that Amazon puts on the covers of print books (but not, for some reason, on ebooks).
The thought that this would actually be printed on paper and perhaps stand on someone’s book shelf is horrifying. I keep thinking as if these are only ebooks, but a lot of them are available through some sort of POD service. Horrifying.
Ahhh, ok. I did not know that.
The middle line is off-center. Now I cannot unsee that.
Almost enough that it looks like it was on purpose… but not quite.
The Author clams that “She’s known Mickey Mouse from the inside'”
*Claims* “Clams” just makes it worse.
There should be a period after…
Oh, forget it.