She also saves everyone from White Privilege, Islamophobia, and the Tooth Fairy.
10 years ago
Those stubby arms can barely reach her ears. Must be hard to brush her hair or tie her shoes in the morning. Also, I have heard of pear-shaped bodies, but hers is pizza-slice shaped.
Rumor has it that she saves the planet from global warming by growing up to become the Snow Queen and banishing us all into a forever winter.
“Remember, parents: the best way to combat global warming is to buy your kids a copy of my book printed on a dead tree. The faster we destroy the trees, the sooner all the global warming they’re causing will stop.”
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Those arms! Is she a Thalidomide Baby?
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
Can I blame Liliana for the next Little Ice Age and have the government tax her for her lifestyle?
9 years ago
Yes, by all means, save The planet, but first, make a decent cover for your book.
Oh, that’s a cape she’s wearing — I thought it was one of those Elizabethan collars they put on dogs and cats to keep them from chewing their stitches off.
9 years ago
We don’t deserve to be saved. This proves it all. I’m going to go let my cars all idle for the rest of the day.
She also saves everyone from White Privilege, Islamophobia, and the Tooth Fairy.
Those stubby arms can barely reach her ears. Must be hard to brush her hair or tie her shoes in the morning. Also, I have heard of pear-shaped bodies, but hers is pizza-slice shaped.
Rumor has it that she saves the planet from global warming by growing up to become the Snow Queen and banishing us all into a forever winter.
Someone needs to teach Valeria about this new-fangled thing called the “crop” tool.
White space is sometimes important, but I don’t think it works here. Especially since it appears to be completely unintentional.
The 4 rave reviews are from PRINT copies (aka: dead trees) and apparently they all paid $12.99 for 30 pages at 6×9. Anyone else find that suspicious?
“Remember, parents: the best way to combat global warming is to buy your kids a copy of my book printed on a dead tree. The faster we destroy the trees, the sooner all the global warming they’re causing will stop.”
Those arms! Is she a Thalidomide Baby?
Can I blame Liliana for the next Little Ice Age and have the government tax her for her lifestyle?
Yes, by all means, save The planet, but first, make a decent cover for your book.
Looks like she’s wearing frosting with a t-shirt over it. And she’ll never fit through that little door.
Oh, that’s a cape she’s wearing — I thought it was one of those Elizabethan collars they put on dogs and cats to keep them from chewing their stitches off.
We don’t deserve to be saved. This proves it all. I’m going to go let my cars all idle for the rest of the day.