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9 years ago

She also saves everyone from White Privilege, Islamophobia, and the Tooth Fairy.

9 years ago

Those stubby arms can barely reach her ears. Must be hard to brush her hair or tie her shoes in the morning. Also, I have heard of pear-shaped bodies, but hers is pizza-slice shaped.

Rumor has it that she saves the planet from global warming by growing up to become the Snow Queen and banishing us all into a forever winter.

john e. . .
9 years ago

Someone needs to teach Valeria about this new-fangled thing called the “crop” tool.

White space is sometimes important, but I don’t think it works here. Especially since it appears to be completely unintentional.

9 years ago

The 4 rave reviews are from PRINT copies (aka: dead trees) and apparently they all paid $12.99 for 30 pages at 6×9. Anyone else find that suspicious?

9 years ago
Reply to  Kris

“Remember, parents: the best way to combat global warming is to buy your kids a copy of my book printed on a dead tree. The faster we destroy the trees, the sooner all the global warming they’re causing will stop.”

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Those arms! Is she a Thalidomide Baby?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

Can I blame Liliana for the next Little Ice Age and have the government tax her for her lifestyle?

9 years ago

Yes, by all means, save The planet, but first, make a decent cover for your book.

9 years ago

Looks like she’s wearing frosting with a t-shirt over it. And she’ll never fit through that little door.

Carol Van Natta
9 years ago

Oh, that’s a cape she’s wearing — I thought it was one of those Elizabethan collars they put on dogs and cats to keep them from chewing their stitches off.

9 years ago

We don’t deserve to be saved. This proves it all. I’m going to go let my cars all idle for the rest of the day.