The Summer Proposal May 12, 2018NathanCovers7 Comments The Summer Proposal Just say no. art for a refrigerator filteriffic Previous postThe Addiction To Win: Essays To Bheekri Next postThe Journal of Austin Sommers
Who knew shadows of palm trees were so substantial?
Ah yes, I too admire deformed jaws, ears at neck-level, and freakish orbit bones.
I could be an old fogey and say “get a haircut!” but they’re obviously hoping it’ll grow long enough to cover those freaky alien eyes.
As an old fogey, I usually admire anyone with hair on top of their head.
Remember when parents didn’t emasculate their sons?
It’s like a 15 year old girl made yaoi characters and put that on the cover
I have no doubt that any number of junior high study halls were spent on this cover.