hypnoSnatch (Xeno Relations Book 1) April 30, 2018NathanCovers6 Comments hypnoSnatch (Xeno Relations Book 1) I didn’t want to feature this cover, but it kept following me around… bad font choice filteriffic seizure risk Previous postDistant Suns Next postTears Before Exaltation
Make it go away!
Isn’t that redundant?
Y’know, I’ve known a few men hypnotized by a …well, no, now…let’s not go there. Family-friendly site and all that–don’t wanna just snatch it right out of that PG-rated zone.
Or, you could say, that this cover snatched defeat from the jaws of victory!
I think hypno snatch refers to a kidnapping involving mesmerism.
*wink wink, nudge nudge*