Pitbulls In A Skirt 5: The Fall From Grace

Pitbulls In A Skirt 5: The Fall From Grace

For those who have already devoured volumes one through four…

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B.L. Alley
6 years ago

28 reviews with a 4.2 average and the writing is as bad as the cover. I might as well give up if this is what readers want.

6 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

I feel your pain. It seems the crap writers have got crap readers to go with ’em.

Brad Foster
Brad Foster
6 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

Take heart & don’t quit – it seems these are the best fake reviews the author can buy (poor grammar and all saying similar things), with a few bad reviews to make it look “authentic”.

Davd King
6 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

The 1-star reviews are the most telling.

6 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

This particular niche–what I’ll call “romantica,” for the G-rated audience that we have here, in the WOC niche, seems particularly prone to the same sort of dreck that plagues the Dino Porn area.

6 years ago

Just out of curiosity: How many pitbulls to the one skirt?

Brad Foster
Brad Foster
6 years ago
Reply to  dtw

Not a question I care to ponder 🙂

Davd King
6 years ago

I don’t see any pitbulls or skirts on that cover.

6 years ago
Reply to  Davd King

I have known pitbulls. I have known skirts. She is no pitbull and she’s not in a skirt.
(Unless Dr, Moreau is both a surgeon and a tailor.)