Shark Escualotario April 21, 2018NathanCovers7 Comments Shark Escualotario The author knows English as a second language. Are you surprised? actual title please art for a refrigerator credit where credit is due do you even english layout woes Previous postPeople Gone Mad Next postThe Elles Here (Elsewhere) Place
So who’s the author? What’s the real title?
Do we care who did the cover illustration?
Why put a copyright symbol on the front cover? And not even bother to state who owns said copyright?
So many things wrong here…
yo soy el autor.
That’s, not how commas and ellipses work?…
My Spanish is very rusty…but I don’t think this is even a word.
According to Google Translate, escualotario in Spanish…is escualotario in English. :O
Escual = school. School of something? Not hard to believe, around fish/sharks?
Escualotario es solo un nombre.