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6 years ago

The focus of the shot on the girl is fine, but the blurry bow in the foreground looks weird on a book cover. The flame draws further attention to it by not being similarly out of focus. I think a re-do, fixing the problems noted, should also do way with the blurring. This might even fix the fire to a degree.

B.L. Alley
6 years ago

Or get rid of the flame since no one in history ever fired a flaming arrow.

6 years ago
Reply to  B.L. Alley

I would not say never, but flaming arrows are generally limited in effect and relatively useless unless you have the pyrotechnics available to movie special effects people.

B.L. Alley
6 years ago
Reply to  Naaman_Brown

Well, not in a real assault or battle.

6 years ago

Having the face in focus but the bow out of focus indicates a sufficiently shallow depth of field that the background foliage should be REALLY blurry. That it isn’t, adds to the sense of wrongness here :-/