Englishwoman at Christmas: Holly and Ivy April 7, 2018NathanCovers7 Comments Englishwoman at Christmas: Holly and Ivy If only there were actual photographs of couples kissing in winter… aspect ratio cut and paste Previous postThe Vitch’s Kat in Hollywoodland: starring Ketz and Mika Next postTHE MAGIC OF CHICHEN ITZA: Seven Wonders of the World
So who is the man kissing, Holly or Ivy?
Or is it both? Dun-dun DUNNNNN!
I was going to make some comment here about how that guy in the t-shirt has to be pretty cold, but given that their house is apparently floating away, they may have bigger problems than the weather…
What do people have against color grading?
Color grading as in a red “F”? (Not that I’m biased toward any particular color.)
Is the woman getting ready to spontaneously combust? What’s the gold glow emerging from her jacket?
How do you GET READY to do something SPONTANEOUSLY? [mind blown]