The Vitch’s Kat in Hollywoodland: starring Ketz and Mika April 7, 2018NathanCovers4 Comments The Vitch’s Kat in Hollywoodland: starring Ketz and Mika If you didn’t already have a headache… busybusybusy cue the attorneys font overload mismatched art styles readability Previous postMemoirs of a Southern Magnolia Next postEnglishwoman at Christmas: Holly and Ivy
….pretty sure that’s Felix with Ignatz Mouse (for some reason), not ‘ Ketz’ and ‘Mika’.
They do look like parodies of Felix the Cat paired with Ignatz Mouse from Krazy Kat.
If the intention of Ketz and Mika is satire and Disney Corp has not acquired the images of Felix and Ignatz, it should get a pass as fair use.
Maybe. Looks an AWFUL lot like Felix and Ignatz to me.
The author has hidden his name very well, barely noticeable, not readable.