The Proposal

The Proposal

The artwork isn’t the problem here (it’s culturally appropriate) — it’s the proportions and the type that sink this. (h/t Douglas)

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6 years ago

Well, now, wait, there, Nathan. What on earth is the ring thing, in the middle of her face? I originally thought, “well, okay, she has some type of delicate chain, connecting her…ear (?), to her (nose?)”, (not my cuppa, but I try not to be all judgy), but…that chain goes to a ring embedded in the cheek of her face. It’s bizarre. Just…fwiw.

You are, however, completely right in that had the right fonts and font sizing been used, it never would have been seen here. Those fonts just torpedo this sucker. Such a shame!

6 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I think it IS just in her nose – but the right side is jewelled so more visible and the left side is a simple yellow line so gets lost over the similar colour of her cheek.
Compare with this:

6 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Yes, dahlink, but I don’t hang out at “Slightly Imperfect Book Covers.” Only you have the pleasure of my acquaintance, and my, er, nose for those sorts of weird imperfections.

6 years ago

There’s something weird about her right hand. Maybe this is part of the culture of the art work, but from my perspective, it looks like he asked for her hand, so she unscrewed it at the elbow and gave it to him.

"Naaman Brown"
"Naaman Brown"
6 years ago
Reply to  Zsuzsa

I took the image and tried getting the faces in a normal aspect ratio. A lot of the weirdness goes away at correct proportions. I hate it when acceptable art is squished or squashed into ugliness.