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Brad Foster
6 years ago

I can’t tell…is she flying or is she stretching up ala Plastic Man (Nothing against Ralph Dibney, but Elongated Man…just sounds bad)

6 years ago
Reply to  Brad Foster

Pretty sure there was a Justice League Unlimited episode where practically everyone is fighting but they leave Booster Gold & Elongated Man on crowd control. Booster because he’s Booster, Ralph because they already had Plastic Man, and they didn’t need two stretchy guys in the fight.

They did let Ralph join in eventually though because they needed another brain on the team. Afterall, Plastic Man may sound better, but Plas is an idiot.

6 years ago
Reply to  AlexB

Hah hah, I love that one. Green Lantern dissed them with the stretchy guy comment. Both JL and JLU were great shows…but I digress 🙂

David King
6 years ago

She’s hanging by her hair, from a crane out of sight, and being pulled from below, which stretched her very thin.

David King
6 years ago

Can we say goodbye to this book now?

6 years ago

Dam those invisible industrial strength vacuum cleaners.