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9 years ago

Papyrus… always the right font.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sipesh

I know that, to many people, Papyrus will never be an appropriate font for pretty much anything, but it works OK here.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  jic

I will assert that Papyrus can be cool, but has been over-used and inappropriately used to the point the mention of the font name produces automatic rolling of the eyes. Plus, the kerning pairs built in the font (like the spacing of the “Pr” in “Primordial” above) don’t work well for titles.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sipesh

“…for me to poop on!”
–Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

9 years ago
Reply to  RK


9 years ago

This is one of those bad covers which is actually a *good* cover that the artist didn’t quite have the technical skill to pull off. Very close, but not quite there.

9 years ago
Reply to  jic

Yeah. I keep saying we need a tag for that. Then I’d open it and just weep.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I keep getting the feeling this is a photograph of a picture. I see wrinkles in the paper.

9 years ago
Reply to  L.

Yep, you’re right. Especially above the dragon’s wings, where the watercolour was laid on quite thick and the paper got saturated.

The way the top shades off slightly into shadow is also familiar from times when I’ve photographed pictures and documents.

9 years ago
Reply to  L.

Wrinkles would probably show on the scan, too. But if you look at the top left corner, there’s a piece of the red border missing and you can just glimpse something behind the paper. The red border confuses me a bit, it looks like it’s taken with the photo and not added later in photoshop, but I can’t be sure.

9 years ago

I know those are supposed to be wings but they just look like giant flaps by the mouth. That makes me think of the aliens vs predator movies.

9 years ago
Reply to  invader

Those are supposed to be neck frills like certain lizards have. if you look at the large image, they are clearly attached just behind the mouth.

9 years ago

Now that I look at this again, I can see it’s not your typical LBC refrigerator art. This artist does have some skill, but made a lot of unfortunate choices. First one was a choice of medium. If this was done digitally, instead of traditionally and then photographed, it might have looked more appropriate. But I doubt the artist is equally skilled in digital medium. The biggest problem with the image itself is the composition. The neck of the dragon overlaps itself and it looks like one solid shape at first glance. If it was drawn from a slightly different angle where the curving of the neck was visible, it would’ve made a less confusing image. As it is, the neck doesn’t look like it’s attached to the body and the wings appear as if they’re growing out of nowhere. The angle of the raised hand makes me think that the dragon is loosing his balance instead of attacking. The figure of the knight is very effective, but the impact is completely lost because the dragon’s fire is hiding half the figure and it’s drawing too much attention to itself. This is how a pro does it: http://defunkd.com/public/upload/images/product_images/big/hermosavtg_7201333351944.jpeg The figure here isn’t actually hit by the flames, but the angle would work just as well with the pose of the knight falling. The flames aren’t hiding the figure. Also, no weird hand poses and bent necks.

9 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Yes, give this artist some time, and a class in photoshop…