Darkness Beyond the Light

Darkness Beyond the Light

More darkness, please.

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David King
6 years ago

Another case of accidentally uploading the thumbnail version to Amazon, or else the full image of the cover was accidentally deleted?

6 years ago
Reply to  David King

That’s wishful thinking, @David King, wishful thinking. I fear that’s most likely the full-size image.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
6 years ago

LBC had the cover of Embry’s “Old Ways and New Days” here 28 Oct 2015. That cover (woodland path, cut’n’paste dog image lit from different direction than background with no shadow) was actually better than this.

My theory to explain lousier book covers is that indie small press and self-pub authors have discovered that appearing at LBC results in traffic to their Amazon book page and the more WTF factor, the more traffic.

(I am assuming most people have rational motives.))

6 years ago

A skull is an odd choice for the Christmas tree decoration, but who am I to judge?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
6 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

I had to check my calendar.
Día de Muertos, 31 Oct – 2 Nov.
Christmas, 25 Dec.
Maybe someone forgot to take their decorations down.