I’m feeling vaguely offended. Does the author not know that there are more Hitches in the world than merely the late great Christopher? Including the late great Alfred Hitchcock? And the alive, great, yours truly?
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
I thought Christopher Hitchens’ book title “Hitch 22” was a bad pun on “Catch 22”.
This “Hitch 21” pun on blackjack is really lame. Not a good advert for the book, but may be truth in advertising. Might sell to those suffering from Hitchens Derangement Syndrome.
PosRein: no oval moon, no type on faces, no photobombing wolfie.
I’m feeling vaguely offended. Does the author not know that there are more Hitches in the world than merely the late great Christopher? Including the late great Alfred Hitchcock? And the alive, great, yours truly?
I thought Christopher Hitchens’ book title “Hitch 22” was a bad pun on “Catch 22”.
This “Hitch 21” pun on blackjack is really lame. Not a good advert for the book, but may be truth in advertising. Might sell to those suffering from Hitchens Derangement Syndrome.
PosRein: no oval moon, no type on faces, no photobombing wolfie.