Refuge: Doppelganger February 24, 2018NathanCovers9 Comments Refuge: Doppelganger Oh, for hell’s sake. busybusybusy cut and paste filteriffic pixelation readability Previous postThe Finer Gentleman Next postHow To Draw People
Are we sure that title isn’t Re f uge: Doppelganger?
Bad kerneling font
If you apply heat, do you get Blackletter Popcorn?
I’m pretty sure you missed a typo. It’s hard to read, but I’m almost certain that’s a semi-colon on the cover. “Refuge; Doppelganger.”
Zsuzsa: sure as hell is a semi-colon, and damn sure as hell is hard to read.
I’d like to think that Empress is the name of his horse.
Paging A Kerner: you’re needed here.
“A Novel of Refuge” at the bottom is the best bit, the rest is unreadable and the picture appears to have a man and a horse, but the rest is just a mystery.
And it hurts my eyes