Intoxication February 15, 2018NathanCovers8 Comments Intoxication I must be drunk, because I can’t tell what I’m seeing. bad font choice filteriffic layers upon layers pixelation Previous postBogus B-Movies From Beyond! Next postA Tight Spot
Oo, how did they get this sensual, erotic cover past the censors? *fans self*
(I think there’s a sword…and maybe a building…?)
I see the building too. And the marks that look like this photo was taken through a windshield on a rainy day.
As for the red and gold thing in the middle that could be a…er, well, it kind looks like…oh, never mind. I’ve got nothing.
Maybe we have to read the book while intoxicated to get it …
Is there an apple core?
“Open your cleft that I might sheathe my Excalibur in your stone, baby!”
Just imagine waking up next to this cover.
Well, I read the description after posting that, so I feel obliged to acknowledge, in light of my comment, that the cover does seem like a fair representation the story’s premise after all.
Bizarre, including the book’s description.