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7 years ago

It’s kind of a shame. I actually went and read part of the LITB. This guy could probably write a funny book about his character/avatar, but, sweet Jesus, he needs some PRACTICE. It’s the typical thing–he’s about 9,999 hours short of that 10,000 hour mark. I can see he has it; if he’d take the time, he could make it work…but I’m not holding my breath.

And yes, for Inquiring Minds–that’s the tagline.

Lydia D
Lydia D
7 years ago

I feel like “spectacular mistakes will make you laugh” is the unofficial motto of this blog.

7 years ago

Aren’t “coyotes” people who charge large groups of Mexican refugees a fortune to transport them across the border illegally? When I read the title, I pictured twenty refugees huddled on the side of the road out in the desert while some dude tried to get his truck started.